
The BiliLux is a compact and lightweight LED phototherapy light system for the treatment of neonatal unconjugated hyperbilirubinemia. It provides superior phototherapy performance, individualised therapy with electronic documentation capabilities and the flexibility for seamless integration into practically every workplace.


Superior phototherapy with even and broad irradiance distribution

Phototherapy is effectively used for treating neonatal unconjugated hyperbilirubinemia: The BiliLux phototherapy light has its irradiance peaks in the most effective wavelength range to reduce the bilirubin which is 460 – 490nm. By achieving extremely high irradiance levels, the BiliLux fullfills the requirements of the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP). In addition, the irradiance can be dimmed in 5 steps to provide proper therapy for the individual patient. The phototherapy light features a large surface area to cover full term and premature babies. The irradiance is evenly distributed over the entire mattress to help ensure effective phototherapy.

Seamless workplace integration for more flexibility

  The BiliLux phototherapy light was designed for flexible use and seamless integration into the neonatal workplace. The phototherapy light can be placed on an incubator hood, mounted with the spring arm to warming therapy devices or ceiling supplies or used with a trolley. The BiliLux offers the perfect combination for practically every workplace. To simplify the process, the phototherapy light can be easily locked and unlocked by using the intuitive quick-connect mechanism. The BiliLux also features a white observation light to observe the baby between phototherapy sessions or to switch white light on during phototherapy to soften blue light.

Designed for a healthy and family-friendly environment

The family-friendly and compact design saves space around the neonatal workplace while simultaneously providing high irradiances to treat neonatal jaundice. The BiliLux is lightweight for easy handling and storage. And most important: it is soundless to ensure a calm and nuturing atmosphere for the baby, parents and caregivers.

Infection prevention – priority in our development

Hygiene and infection prevention is an important topic in the neonatal segment: the BiliLux was designed for easy and fast cleaning supported by smooth surfaces. Unlike some other phototherapy devices, the BiliLux does not have any ventilation slots or fans in order to improve infection prevention.

Individualised care and quality management

The optional BiliLux Radiometer is specifically designed for the phototherapy light and instantly measures the irradiance. Use of the radiometer helps ensure the correct positioning of the baby under the phototherapy light and the adequate irradiance that the baby receives. In addition, each measurement (incl. date and time) and the phototherapy duration can be stored and downloaded in a phototherapy report e.g. for patient documentation or quality control purposes.

Electronic data transfer – for efficient workflow

The phototherapy LED supports the hospital and clinical processes by providing the ability for electronic documentation. Electronic data transfer is faster and less prone to errors than manual data transfer. This helps work in the NICU to become more efficient.


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