Dräger Jaundice Meter JM-105

The Dräger Jaundice Meter JM-105 gives you consistent quality screening, cost-effectively delivered over the lifetime of the device. As a result you optimize the efficiency of your jaundice management program, which can help save time and money while delivering an exceptional standard of care.


Effective Jaundice Screening

With the Jaundice Meter JM-105 you can accurately identify at-risk infants as young as 24 weeks gestational age. Effective screening can decrease readmission rates and durations of stay. Having dependable results in seconds rather than hours helps to increase patient safety and expedite decision making. New integrated flagging feature helps you keep track of patients in need of special attention and comply with your jaundice management protocols.

Easy to use, easy on everyone

The JM-105 expands the concept of ease of use. It also means an easier experience for all involved. When taking a TcB measurement with the JM-105 compared to an invasive TSB measurement, there’s less stress on fragile newborns and their patients – which makes things easier on you. Screening with the JM-105 is fast and easy; simply clean the reusable tip with an alcohol wipe and take your measurement. No fumbling with disposable tips. And because the device connects to your hospital information system, transferring jaundice screening information to the infant’s electronic medical record is effortless and accurate. Simply put, the Dräger Jaundice Meter JM-105 is gentle for the newborn and efficient for you.

Improved process and cost efficiency

The Jaundice Meter JM-105 streamlines jaundice screening practices by reducing time-consuming blood draws, scheduling of laboratory work, and processing costs. It improves efficiency by delivering reliable measurements with significantly fewer steps, which frees up more time for direct infant care. The data transfer functionality and barcode scanner help you optimise your screening program and reduce the risk of human error. Because the JM-105 has a reusable probe tip, it requires no disposables. With the volume of screenings performed in nurseries today, the cost of such disposable items can ultimately exceed the initial cost of the device itself. As a result, you save time and money while delivering an exceptional standard of care.


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