
Spacelabs advances cardiology information management with optimized workflows, expanded connectivity, and robust data security capabilities. Spacelabs’ latest cardiology information management system collects data from a broad range of cardiovascular monitoring devices and provides easy access to reports and analyses to aid in diagnosis and care, whether deployed in a small clinic or across a multi-site enterprise environment.


Spacelabs advances cardiology information management with optimized workflows, expanded connectivity, and robust data security capabilities. Spacelabs’ latest cardiology information management system collects data from a broad range of cardiovascular monitoring devices and provides easy access to reports and analyses to aid in diagnosis and care, whether deployed in a small clinic or across a multi-site enterprise environment. Sentinel software is highly configurable, and because it supports web-based and mobile platform review, all relevant information can be easily viewed remotely, saving time and providing flexibility in clinical use.
  • Maintain secure data access while still providing seamless connectivity.
  • View recordings and reports from all modalities.
  • Allow physician interpretation, electronic signature, and integration with your existing EHR.
  • Review the patient file including reports, comments, and full audit history.
  • Batch review of reports online and on mobile devices, including physician report entry and confirmation.

One interface, immediate analysis, wherever you need it

Sentinel 11 provides a high level of security to protect against unauthorized access to clinical data, staff record data, and a patient’s protected health information (PHI). Data is easily encrypted and protected in transport, on the workstation, in web and data servers, and even in backup files. For additional privacy, Spacelabs ABP and Holter devices can operate and work seamlessly with the Sentinel system without requiring any PHI to be transferred to the devices.
  • Connect multiple devices and modules through one application
  • Manage all activities in one screen, with minimal navigation.
  • Track patient throughput, using Sentinel’s ‘Patient Centric’ or ‘Test Centric’ workflows to manage multiple tests or activities from the patient record.

Seamless integration with your systems

Cardiovascular care today often employs a variety of non-invasive diagnostic tools in hospitals, clinics, and the home. Because Sentinel 11 supports all diagnostic cardiology modalities, cardiologists can get a comprehensive view of their patients’ health, regardless of where the data is collected. Sentinel can be directly integrated with an organization’s electronic medical record (EMR), accessed on the go via mobile devices, and serve as a conduit to send recordings to outside services for analysis and reporting. Sentinel’s web-based solutions are designed meet today’s complex requirements with a simple, unified interface.
  • Integrates with Active Directory, EHR, and Logging / Audit systems to centralize user authentication and login as well as enhance your auditing capabilities
  • Bi-directional HL7 interface providing industry standard communications and event handlers that can be programmed to automate aspects of your daily workload
  • Enables DICOM connectivity including Vendor Neutral Archives (VNA)


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